The Fates have fallen to madness,
and one-by-one the gods are dragged into corruption.
As the world slips towards its end,
only the Last Sovereign - gifted with the magic of prophecy, stands to challenge the apocalypse.
With just nine rounds to make a difference…
Arcana Prophetia tests your ability to read not just the board, but also your opponent.
Players fight for dominance of the Spread by controlling the 9 gods.
Each round, the Fates chooses an Arcana card to play that advances their control of the Spread. The Last Sovereign must read the Spread to reveal their opponent’s plans, and so wrest control of the gods.
The player who can best predict and stay ahead of their opponent will be the one to emerge victorious.
How To Play
Arcana Prophetia is an asymmetric game of prediction and prophecy. One player plays the Fates, who seeks to corrupt the gods, and the other plays the Last Sovereign, who seeks to sanctify them.
The player who controls the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Round Flow
Each round,
An Apocalypse in Flux
The conflict between the Fates and the Last Sovereign is one that spans the cycles. Each time the game is played, players can decide which aspects the nine gods manifest as in the world. They then choose from different Fates and Last Sovereign identities, to tell a unique tale of the world’s end.
The unique mix of card aspects and identities can drastically alter how each game evolves and open up new lines of play (and prediction!) for both players.
Chart a path to your desired future.
Thanks for reading this far!